Press Resource Center
Press Registration is now open
All media at HX must be registered. Click the button below for your complimentary press pass.
IMPORTANT: In order for your registration to be completed, you must submit credentials. A list of accepted credentials can be found in the registration portal.
Acquiring press releases
Press releases are emailed to the media and can be found on this website under HX News.
Image Requests
We’re happy to help you illustrate your editorial coverage of the HX conference and expo. Images from past events can be viewed on the Photo Gallery. To request a specific photo please email HX marketing specialist HX Marketing
Press Credentials for HX
Our objective is to ensure quality press coverage and representation on the exhibit floor. Therefore, media representative’s current credentials are required to qualify as press. To be eligible for press badges, media representatives must present these credentials from an approved media outlet as outlined below. Please note that Emerald Expositions reserves the right to refuse anyone a press badge, at any time and for any purpose.
Q: Who qualifies for a press badge at HX?
A: Editors, Social Influencers, television and radio producers, and print/broadcast reporters from approved media outlets are eligible to receive editorial press badges. Publishers, as well as advertising and sales representatives from approved media outlets, will receive advertising press badges.
Q: Who does NOT qualify for a press badge at HX?
A: Public relations representatives; marketing, creative services, circulation and other employees of magazines, newspapers and television stations; writers and publishers of personal or corporate newsletters; and family members of legitimate media are not eligible for press badges. Book author eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Qualifying Identification and Credentials
In order to qualify for an editorial or advertising press badge, media representatives must present current press identification during your registration. This includes a business card (with individual’s name and title and the name of an approved media outlet) and one of the following:
- The masthead from an approved media outlet with the individual’s name and title listed.
- A copy of or a web link to a current bylined article published in an approved media outlet within the past six months.
Freelance writers and photographers must present a letter of assignment from an approved publication to be granted a press badge. Freelance writers or columnists not on an assignment must provide a copy of an industry-relevant, bylined article published within the past six months by an approved media outlet.
Electronic media representatives (including editors of websites) must present proof of an existing site with relevant editorial content and proof of circulation.
Public relations representatives must register as exhibitor personnel if their clients are confirmed participants in the tradeshow. A business card and proof of client relationship with a confirmed exhibiting manufacturer will be required. Alternatively, PR reps also may register on-site for the conference and expo as a trade guest with payment of any necessary fees.
We ask that you do not bring friends or relatives with you to the Press Center. Please contact HX Marketing if you have questions about our requirements or if you wish to confirm your eligibility in advance of the show.
The earlier you register the more you save.
Don’t miss your chance to connect with the hospitality industry this year at HX 2022.
Also known as the International Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Show.
Produced and Presented By:

Also known as:

The International Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Show